Devil in a Kilt, Secrets Volume 27 Untamed Pleasures

Out now! Please see reviews and excerpt below.
Devil in a Kilt is a paranormal erotic romance novella with a wee bit of everything–humor, dark suspense, modern and historical, magic, love and lots of sensuality.
Shapeshifters in Kilts Series from Red Sage (Devil in a Kilt, Beast in a Kilt): Journey to the past... to the rugged, beautiful Scottish Highlands of centuries ago, where men wore plaid and wielded fierce swords. A land where myth, magic, and legend are truth. Wizardry and witchcraft are real. And anything is possible. Stronger than honor or bravery, love alone will overcome evil and vanquish a curse. ~Nicole North
Available from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Books-A-Million, Red Sage, Borders,Powells, IndieBound, Vromans, The Book Depository, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK.You should also be able to find it in bookstores which carry Secrets.
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Bookaholics Romance Book Club. Devil in a Kilt: "sinfully delicious... This was a scorching read. Nicole North really knows how to turn up the heat and anyone who loves highlanders will wish they were in Shauna's lucky shoes! Gavin is super HOT!!" ~Steph
5 Cherries & Best Book of the Week from LASR-Whipped Cream: "Devil in a Kiltby Nicole North is a time traveling romance with a brawny Scottsman under a curse. There’s a lot of heart in this story as well as heat. There are a few plot conflicts that interweave, between personal angst, a vile witch and the breaking of the aforementioned curse. I enjoyed Gavin, the hero, and his kilt wearing ways. Shauna, the heroine, was the perfect balance of modern day independence and sexual freedom which put her as the perfect counterpoint to Gavin’s alpha Laird. She’s not loose or scatterbrained, she is a strong woman who stands up for herself and her dialogue was crackerjack sharp. Also, I liked that Shauna isn’t afraid to enjoy the benefits of Gavin’s…kilt. Their coming together was pure romance. The battle or skirmish reminded me of the daring do of the old Errol Flynn movies – dashing and manly. It was very exciting... With this great combination of authors and plots, this anthology is a "must-buy". I highly recommend it." ~ Review by Xeranthemum
4 stars from Romantic Times Book Review: "Few anthologies give as much bang for the buck as this one... Shauna MacRae meant to go to the Highland Games, not 400 years into the past, which she does in North's story. Will she have what it takes to free her "Devil in a Kilt?" ~Devon Paige
“Fabulous story! It’s one of the best things I’ve read in ages!!! Gavin is so incredibly lovable… strong and sexy!!! European historicals aren’t what I usually read but I totally loved this story. You had me hooked right from the beginning. You really have a talent for the novella style! I enjoyed all the ties between the present and past. I loved your voice throughout. It was light and funny and entertaining, yet serious enough to capture the emotions involved.” ~Vanessa Fowler, Golden Heart Finalist
“Devil in a Kilt is a sizzling Highlander time-travel, an entertaining read that I couldn’t put down from the first page to the last! North is a hot new voice in sexy stories.” ~Terry Spear, Legend of the White Wolf
From Romance Reviews Today Erotic... Devil in a Kilt: "Nicole North does a fabulous job blending the present day and the 16th Century Highlands. Shauna brings modern day sexuality to a time when men were real men. The combination is sure to leave readers panting for more. I also enjoyed the witty dialog as these two very different main characters found true love... SECRETS VOLUME 27 is the most enjoyable erotic anthology that I have ever read. Each story represents a different sub-genre in erotic fiction providing a buffet of talents and entertainment. The sex scenes are all fantastic, the heroes inspire imagination, the heroines are easy to identify with, and the dialogs are witty. SECRETS VOLUME 27 is a must for new and experience erotic readers." ~Mel Mason
From Joyfully Reviewed: “Devil in a Kilt” by Nicole North - Shauna MacRae should be happy that she’s met the man of her dreams, but meeting Gavin MacTavish throws her back in time to the Highlands of 1621. Now, Shauna has to break a curse, fight a witch, and find a way for her and Gavin to stay together.
I’m a sucker for a tortured hero. Make him a Scottish laird, and I’ve got everything I need. “Devil in a Kilt” has more than a sexy Scotsman, though. It’s a sensual, exciting story full of romance. Gavin being a cursed shape-shifter makes “Devil in a Kilt” a little different than other time travel stories. In “Devil in a Kilt,” the guy is hot, the sex is hotter, and the story is romantic and fun.... The stories in Secrets 27, Untamed Pleasures are very different, so there’s something for everyone. They have a few things in common, though: hot men and even hotter sex. With wonderful stories and interesting characters, Secrets 27, Untamed Pleasures fulfills secret fantasies." ~Nannette
Review from Manic Readers: "I love sexy Highlanders, time travel, curses, action, love and humor. Devil In A Kilt has it all, including killer love scenes. The story drew me in from the get-go. From dreams to reality, Shauna is thrown for quite a loop when she’s dumped unceremoniously on the stone bedroom floor of Gavin MacTavish. Impossibly, there’s something familiar about him. There’s absolutely no way he could be her “dream lover,” or could he? What’s a girl to do but find out? By the way, what’s this business about a curse? How can she break the curse and save Gavin and his clan? Will she ever get to return to the future? I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Shauna’s adventure in the past. I’ve never read Nicole North before but will definitely look for her in the future." ~IvyD
Shauna MacRae was looking to see some sexy men in kilts when she took a trip to the Highland Games. What she didn’t expect to see was a sexy kilt wearer from 400 years in the past. But that is exactly what happened when she touched Gavin MacTavish’s claymore. Now she must break a curse and save Gavin from an evil witch who wants him for her sex slave... From beginning to end this book was filled with hot men, sexy women, talented writing and solid plotlines. Pick up your copy today!" ~Hayley
5 cups from Coffeetime Romance: "Ms North has provided a classic "love will conquer all" tale. By adding the magic of time travel and a highland hunk, she has added an extra level to an already exceptional story.... I have always had a love for anthologies and this one surpasses all my expectations. Each of the stories in this special collection has its own brand of magic and extraordinary characters who find love in the last place they would have thought to look." ~Hollie
4 Hearts from Romance Book Scene: "In Devil In a Kilt, Nicole North (this week's featured author at tells the story of a normally dedicated professor, Shauna, who can't stop daydreaming about a perfect Scottish warrior that she saw on the cover of a romance book. But is he a figment of her active imagination or is he from another time just waiting for her to help break a curse? ...All four stories are well written and give a good taste of each genre. I liked the Devil in the Kilt and Heart's Storm the best. They were well written and had great erotic love scenes, which was the common factor in all four novella's." ~Roni
5 Ribbons from Romance Junkies: "Scottish highlanders are a favorite of many romance readers and Nicole North’s adds an exciting paranormal element that truly captures the imagination. This is Ms. North’s first published story and I’ll be anxious to see what she comes up with next. The Red Sage SECRETS anthologies have long held space on my keeper shelves. Like its predecessors, SECRETS VOLUME 27 contains four tales of varying genres that deliver on readers’ desire for something more erotic in their storylines. Each of these authors delivers a captivating story full of intense scenes guaranteed to have you in search of more writing by them. SECRETS VOLUME 27 contains four smoldering stories of various genres in one convenient book. Like the other SECRETS anthologies, Volume 27’s stories tease and tantalize the senses." ~Chrissy Dionne
4 1/2 from Romantic Crush Junkies: "Devil in A Kilt is by far one of the best erotic romance highland stories I’ve been honored to read. Ms. North has an uncanny way of using wit and satire to deliver an amazing high octane read... Besides the scintillating sexcapades between Gavin and Shauna, I found myself giggling and smiling at how they related with one another. This story is a full charged electric read that had this reader craving more of Ms. North's Hottie highlander. If this is just a taste of what the author has in store I say, 'thank you and give me some more.' I hope you enjoyed these four delicious stories by Liane Gentry Skye, Nicole North, Hannah Murray and Leigh Court as much as I did. ~Christine S. Morehouse
The cover of Secrets Volume 27 was featured on NBC Nightly News and one of the authors, Leigh Court, was interviewed!! This story also aired on Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC channel!
I'm happy our video came in second at You Gotta Read Videos. Thanks to everyone who voted!!
Gavin glanced out the window at the Highlands and the first faint trace of dawn peeking over the eastern mountains.
It won’t be long.
A yell echoed from down the corridor, the ravings of a madman. His father. One day that would be Gavin, talking to ghosts and shadows. But likely when he sank to that level, he would have no roof over his head. Or else his sparse clan would lock him in the dungeon to die alone. Since he had no heir, his greedy, grasping cousin would become laird. His clan would rejoice when their devil laird was dead.
"Damnation! Alpin willna unseat me. The craven whoreson." Draping his plaid around his waist and holding it in place, Gavin strode from the bedchamber and down the corridor toward his father’s room.
"There ye are, lad," Crocker said, his sparse gray hair sticking out in all directions. "Thanks be to God. He’s a right lunatic this morn. Asking for ye, he is."
"What the devil is wrong with him?" Gavin stepped inside the chamber.
"I dinna ken."
"Gavin! Gavin!" his father screeched from the four-poster bed as his body writhed, his long gray hair tangled. "The lass. Ye must look for the lass. Ye must marry. For the sake of the clan. For the sake of yer very soul."
"What lass?" No lass for miles around would so much as glance in his direction. He used to have to drag them from his bed and send them on their way. Now, he couldn’t pay one to give him an hour’s pleasure.
He would like as not turn them to stone, or they would end up possessed by the devil, as he was thought to be.
Gavin waited for his father to tell him which lass he referred to, but the older man now lay still with his eyes closed, apparently asleep. Mayhap he’d meant the lass from Gavin’s arousing dreams. But she wasn’t real, and he’d never seen her face.
Fingers of dawn light gleamed over the mountains and Gavin’s animal nature surged forth, beyond his control.
"Damnation! When will it end?"
He moved toward the open window, helpless to resist the call. Just as he reached it, a moment of pain sliced through him. His body transformed, and great glossy-black wings appeared where once he had arms, and talons on his feet. Taking flight from the window, he became one with the wind, the Highlands and the bright colors of dawn.
Devil in a Kilt, Red Sage Secrets Volume 27 Untamed Pleasures July '09Available from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Books-A-Million, Red Sage, Borders,Powells, IndieBound, Vromans, The Book Depository, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK.You should also be able to find it in bookstores which carry Secrets.Other stories in the Red Sage Secrets Volume 27 Untamed Pleasures anthology:
The Bet
by Leigh Court
I can make a woman come using just my words...
That outrageous claim by a very drunk Damian Hunt, Viscount Atherton, somehow escalates into a high stakes wager with his best friend George Beringer. Damian bets his prized racehorse that he can do it. George gambles his London townhouse that Damian can't. And the surprising woman George chooses for the bet is not only a virgin, she's his very respectable sister, Claire!
I can make a woman come using just my words...
That outrageous claim by a very drunk Damian Hunt, Viscount Atherton, somehow escalates into a high stakes wager with his best friend George Beringer. Damian bets his prized racehorse that he can do it. George gambles his London townhouse that Damian can't. And the surprising woman George chooses for the bet is not only a virgin, she's his very respectable sister, Claire!
Heart's StormBy Liane Gentry Skye
The last fertile mermaid of her brood, Sirenia's final breeding moon is upon her. Racing against a hurricane, she must search out and mate with the only merman who can save their kind--the prophesied Lost Son of Triton. When Sirenia rescues injured Navy SEAL, Byron Burke from drowning, she seals herself into his life debt. When the time comes to ask Byron for her freedom, her heart threatens to stand in the way of the last, best hope for her kind.
The Boy Next Door
by Hannah Murray
Isabella Carelli isn’t just looking for Mr. Right, she’s looking for Mr. Tie Me Up And Do Me Right. In all the wrong places. Fortunately, the right place is right next door. And the boy next door is just about ready to make his move...
Stories in Red Sage Secrets Volume 29 anthology
Saskia Walker, Sweet-Talking the Opposition
Nathalie Gray, Chimera
Dominique Sinclair, Edge
Nicole North, Beast in a Kilt
Nathalie Gray, Chimera
Dominique Sinclair, Edge
Nicole North, Beast in a Kilt